Selected Publications


Patient-derived monoclonal LGI1 autoantibodies elicit seizures, behavioral changes and brain MRI abnormalities in rodent models.
Manoj Upadhya, Alexander Stumpf, Jack O'Brien-Cairney, César Cordero Gómez, Jan Döring, Julius Hoffmann, Susanne Mueller, Yuko Fukata, Scott van Hoof, Divya Dhangar, Max A Wilson, Arunvir Atwal, Richard Rosch, Gavin Woodhall, Philipp Boehm-Sturm, Masaki Fukata, Jakob Kreye, Dietmar Schmitz*, Hans-Christian Kornau*, Harald Prüss*, Sukhvir Wright*+
Brain Behav Immun. 2025 in press

Social play behavior is driven by glycine-dependent mechanisms.
Anton Dvorzhak, Michael Brecht, Dietmar Schmitz+
Curr Biol 2024 Jul 17 doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.06.073

Genetic identification of medullary neurons underlying congenital hypoventilation.
Ke Cui*, Yiling Sia*+, Abhisarika Patnaik, Aikaterini Salivara, Elijah D Lowenstein, Eser G Isik, Adrian Knorz, Laura Airaghi, Michela Crotti, Alistair N Garrett, Fanqi Meng, Dietmar Schmitz, Michèle Studer, Filippo M Rijli, Hans G Nothwang, Benjamin R Rost, Ulf Strauß, Luis R Hernandez-Miranda+
Sci Adv. 2024 Jun 21;10(25) doi:10.1126/sciadv.adj0720 

A bistable inhibitory optoGPCR for multiplexed optogenetic control of neural circuits.
Wietek J+, Nożownik A, Pulin M, Saraf-Sinik I, Matosevich N, Gowrishankar R, Gat A, Malan D, Brown BJ, Dine J, Imambocus BN, Levy R, Sauter K, Litvin A, Regev N, Subramaniam S, Abrera K, Summarli D, Goren EM, Mizrachi G, Bitton E, Benjamin A, Copits BA, Sasse P, Rost BR, Schmitz D, Bruchas MR, Soba P, Oren-Suissa M, Nir Y, Wiegert JS, Yizhar O+.
Nat Methods 2024 May29; doi: 10.1038/s41592-024-02285-8

Directed and acyclic synaptic connectivity in the human layer 2-3 cortical microcircuit.
Yangfan Peng, Antje Bjelde, Pau Vilimelis Aceituno, Franz X. Mittermaier, Henrike Planert, Sabine Grosser, Julia Onken, Katharina Faust, Thilo Kalbhenn, Matthias Simon, Helena Radbruch, Pawel Fidzinski, Dietmar Schmitz, Henrik Alle, Martin Holtkamp, Imre Vida, Benjamin F. Grewe, Jörg P. Geiger+
Science 2024 Apr19;384(6693):338-343

Structure and function of the hippocampal CA3 module.
Rosanna Penelope Sammons*, Mourat Vezir*, Laura Moreno-Velasquez*, Gaspar Cano*, Marta Orlando, Meike Sievers, Eleonora Grasso, Verjinia Metodieva, Richard Kempter, Helene Schmidt+, Dietmar Schmitz+
PNAS 2024 Feb6; doi: 10.1073/pnas.2312281120

Gamma oscillation plasticity is mediated via parvalbumin interneurons.
Michael D. Hadler+, Alexandra Tzilivaki, Dietmar Schmitz, Henrik Alle, Jörg R. P. Geiger+
Sci Adv 2024 Feb2;10(5):eeadj7427

Synthetic surprise as the foundation of the psychedelic experience.
De Filippo R+, Schmitz D+.
Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2024 Jan;12:105538

Efficient generation of a self-organizing neuromuscular junction model from human pluripotent stem cells.
Uri A, Lahmann I*, Nguyen LVN*, Rost BR*, García-Pérez A, Beliefre N, Merritt-Garza ME, Phan HC, Basel GJ, Rossoll W, Decke S, Kunz S, Schmitz D, Goutiere M.
Nat Commun. 2023 Dec;19;14(1):8043

Chimeric autoantibody receptor T cells deplete NMDA receptor-specific B cells.
S. Momsen Reincke+, Niels von Wardenburg, Marie A. Homeyer, Hans-Christian Kornau, Gregorio Spagni, Lucie Y. Li, Jakob Kreye, Elisa Sánchez-Sendín, Sonja Blumenau, Dominik Stappert, Helena Radbruch, Anja E. Hauser, Annette Künkele, Inan Edes, Dietmar Schmitz, Harald Prüss+
Cell 2023 Nov9; 186(23):5084-97 doi:10.1016/j.cell.2023.10.001

Hippocampal GABAergic interneurons and memory.
Tzilivaki A*, Tukker JJ*, Maier N*, Poirazi P, Sammons RP, Schmitz D+
Neuron 2023 Oct18;111:1-22

Play and tickling responses map to the lateral columns of the rat periaqueductal gray.
Gloveli N*, Simonnet J*, Tang W, Concha-Miranda M, Maier E, Dvorzhak A, Schmitz D, Brecht M+.
Neuron 2023 Oct4;111:1-11

Differential ripple propagation along the hippocampal longitudinal axis.
De Filippo R+, Schmitz D+.
eLife 2023 Apr 13;12:e85488

Calcium-permeable channelrhodopsins for the photocontrol of calcium signalling.
Rodrigo G Fernandes Lahore+, Niccolò P Pampaloni*, Enrico Peter*, M-Marcel Heim*, Linda Tillert, Johannes Vierock, Johannes Oppermann, Jakob Walther, Dietmar Schmitz, David Owald, Andrew J R Plested, Benjamin R Rost, Peter Hegemann
Nat Commun. 2022 Dez21;13(1):7844

Optogenetics at the presynapse.
Rost BR*+, Wietek J*, Yizhar O+, Schmitz D
Nat Neurosci. 2022 Aug;25(8):984-998

Temperature elevations can induce switches to homoclinic action potentials that alter neural encoding and synchronization.
Hesse J, Schleimer JH, Maier N, Schmitz D, Schreiber S+
Nat Commun. 2022 July 8;13(1):3934

Interneuron switching on and off across memory rhythms.
Tzilivaki A, Maier N, Schmitz D+
Neuron 2022 Jun 15;110(12):1884-1886

Brain-wide interactions during hippocampal sharp wave ripples.
Nitzan N, Swanson R, Schmitz D, Buzsáki G+
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2022 May 17;119(20):e200931119.2

Microcircuits for spatial coding in the medial entorhinal cortex.
Tukker JJ+, Beed P, Brecht M, Kempter R, Moser MI, Schmitz D+
Physiol Rev. 2022 April 1;102(2):653-688.

The synaptic scaffold protein MPP2 interacts with GABAA receptors at the periphery of the postsynaptic density of glutamatergic synapses.
Schmerl B, Timber N, Kuropka B, Stumpf A, Rentsch J, Kunde SA, von Sivers J, Ewers H, Schmitz D, Freund C, Schmoranzer J, Rademacher N*, Shoichet SA*+
Plos Biol. 2022 March 21;20(3):e3001503

SARS-CoV-2 Beta variant infection elicits potent lineage-specific and cross-reactive antibodies.
Reincke SM*+, Yuan M*, Kornau HC*, Corman VM*, van Hoof S, Sánchez-Sendin E, Ramberger M, Yu W, Hua Y, Tien H, Schmidt ML, Schwarz T, Jeworowski LM, Brandl SE, Rasmussen HF, Homeyer MA, Stöffler L, Barner M, Kunkel D, Huo S, Horler J, von Wardenburg N, Kroidl I, Eser TM, Wieser A, Geldmacher C, Hoelscher M, Gänzer H, Weiss G, Schmitz D, Drosten C, Prüss H#+, Wilson IA#+, Kreye J#+
Science. 2022 Feb 18;375(6582):782-787.

Encephalitis patient-derived monoclonal GABAA receptor antibodies cause epileptic seizures.
Kreye J+, Wright SK, van Casteren A, Stöffler L, Machule ML, Reincke SM, Nikolaus M, van Hoof S, Sanchez-Sendin E, Homeyer MA, Cordero Gómez C, Kornau HC, Schmitz D, Kaindl AM, Boehm-Sturm P, Mueller S, Wilson MA, Upadhya MA, Dhangar DR, Greenhill S, Woodhall G, Turko P, Vida I, Garner CC, Wickel J, Geis C, Fukata Y, Fukata M, Prüss H+
J Exp Med. 2021 Nov 1;218(11).

Recruitment of release sites underlies chemical presynaptic potentiation at hippocampal mossy fiber boutons.
Orlando M*+, Dvorzhak A*, Bruentgens F*, Maglione M, Rost BR, Sigrist SJ, Breustedt JM, Schmitz D+
Plos Biol. 2021 Jun 21;19(6):e3001149.

Efficient optogenetic silencing of neurotransmitter release with a mosquito rhodopsin.
Mahn M*, Saraf-Sinik I*, Patil P*, Pulin M*, Bitton E, Karalis N, Bruentgens F, Palgi S, Gat A, Dine J, Wietek J, Davidi I, Levy R, Litvin A, Zhou F, Sauter K, Soba P, Schmitz D, Lüthi A, Rost BR, Wiegert JS, Yizhar O+
Neuron. 2021 May 19;109(10):1621-1635.

Subiculum as a generator of sharp wave-ripples in the rodent hippocampus.
Imbrosci B, Nitzan N, McKenzie S, Donoso JR, Swaminathan A, Böhm C, Maier N*, Schmitz D*+
Cell Rep. 2021 Apr 20;35(3):109021.

Somatostatin interneurons activated by 5-HT2A receptor suppress slow oscillations in medial entorhinal cortex.
de Filippo R+, Rost BR, Stumpf A, Cooper C, Tukker JJ, Harms C, Beed P*, Schmitz D*+
Elife. 2021 Mar 31;10:e66960.

A CRISPR-Cas9-engineered mouse model for GPI-anchor deficiency mirrors human phenotypes and exhibits hippocampal synaptic dysfunctions.
Rodríguez de Los Santos M, Rivalan M, David FS, Stumpf A, Pitch J, Tsortouktzidis D, Velasquez LM, Voigt A, Schilling K, Mattei D, Long M, Vogt G, Knaus A, Fischer-Zirnsak B, Wittler L, Timmermann B, Robinson PN, Horn D, Mundlos S, Kornak U, Becker AJ, Schmitz D, Winter Y, Krawitz PM+
ProcNatl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Jan 12;118(2):e2014481118.

Layer 3 pyramidal cells in the medial entorhinal cortex orchestrate up-down states in entrain the deep layers differentially.
Beed P*+, de Filippo R*, Holman C*, Johenning FW, Leibold C, Caputi A, Monyer H, Schmitz D+
Cell Rep. 2020 Dec 8;33(10):108470.

A Therapeutic Non-self-reactive SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Protects from Lung Pathology in a COVID-19 Hamster Model.
Kreye J*+, Reincke SM*, Kornau HC, Sánchez-Sendin E, Corman VM, Liu H, Yuan M, Wu NC, Zhu X, Lee CD, Trimpert J, Höltje M, Dietert K, Stöffler L, von Wardenburg N, van Hoof S, Homeyer MA, Hoffmann J, Abdelgawad A, Gruber AD, Bertzbach LD, Vladimirova D, Li LY, Barthel PC, Skriner K, Hocke AC, Hippenstiel S, Witzenrath M, Suttorp N, Kurth F, Franke C, Endres M, Schmitz D, Jeworowski LM, Richter A, Schmidt ML, Schwarz T, Müller MA, Drosten C, Wendisch D, Sander LE, Osterrieder N, Wilson IA, Prüss H+
Cell. 2020 Nov 12;183(4):1058-1069.

Neuronal autophagy regulates presynaptic neurotransmission by controlling the axonal endoplasmic reticulum.
Kuijpers M, Kochlamazashvili G, Stumpf A, Puchkov D, Swaminathan A, Lucht MT, Krause E, Maritzen T, Schmitz D, Haucke V+
Neuron. 2020 Oct 28:S0896-6273.

Propagation of hippocampal ripples to the neocortex by way of a subiculum-retrosplenial pathway.
Nitzan N*, McKenzie S*, Beed P, English DF, Oldani S, Tukker JJ, Buzsáki G+, Schmitz D+
Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 23;11(1):1947.

Human cerebrospinal fluid monoclonal LGI1 autoantibodies increase neuronal excitability.
Kornau HC+, Kreye J, Stumpf A, Fukata Y, Parthier D, Sammons RP, Imbrosci B, Kurpjuweit S, Kowski AB, Fukata M, Prüss H*+, Schmitz D*
Ann Neurol. 2020 Mar;87(3):405-418.

Calcium-independent exo-endocytosis coupling at small central synapses.
Orlando M, Schmitz D, Rosenmund C+, Herman MA+
Cell Rep. 2019 Dec 17;29(12):3767-3774

Electrophysiological and molecular characterization of the parasubiculum.
Sammons RP+, Parthier D, Stumpf A, Schmitz D+
J Neurosci. 2019 Nov 6;39(45):8860-8876.

Human gestational N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor autoantibodies impair neonatal murine brain function.
Jurek B*, Chayka M*, Kreye J, Lang K, Kraus L, Fidzinski P, Kornau HC, Dao LM, Wenke NK, Long M, Rivalan M, Winter Y, Leubner J, Herken J, Mayer S, Mueller S, Boehm-Sturm P, Dirnagl U, Schmitz D, Kölch M, Prüss H+
Ann Neurol. 2019 Nov;86(5):656-670;

RIM-BP2 primes synaptic vesicles via recruitment of Munc13-1 at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Brockmann MM*, Maglione M*, Willmes CG*, Stumpf A, Bouazza BA, Velasquez LM, Grauel MK, Beed P, Lehmann M, Gimber N, Schmoranzer J, Sigrist SJ+, Rosenmund C+, Schmitz D+
Elife. 2019 Sep 19;8

Estrus-cycle regulation of cortical inhibition.
Clemens AM, Lenschow C, Beed P, Li L, Sammons R, Naumann RK, Wang H, Schmitz D, Brecht M+.
Curr Biol. 2019 Feb 18;29(4):605-615.

Chi3l3 induces oligodendrogenesis in an experimental model of autoimmune neuroinflammation.
Starossom SC+, Campo Garcia J, Woelfle T, Romero-Suarez S, Olah M, Watanabe F, Cao L, Yeste A, Tukker JJ, Quintana FJ, Imitola J, Witzel F, Schmitz D, Morkel M, Paul F*, Infante-Duarte C*, Khoury SJ*.
Nat Commun. 2019 Jan 15;10(1):217

Potassium channel-based optogenetic silencing.
Bernal Sierra YA*, Rost BR*, Pofahl M*, Fernandes AM, Kopton RA, Moser S, Holtkamp D, Masala N, Beed P, Tukker JJ, Oldani S, Bönigk W, Kohl P, Baier H, Schneider-Warme F, Hegemann P, Beck H, Seifert R+, Schmitz D+.
Nat Commun. 2018 Nov 5;9(1):4611.

Involvement of mossy cells in sharp wave-ripple activity in vitro.
Swaminathan A, Wichert I, Schmitz D*, Maier N*+.
Cell Rep. 2018 May 29;23(9):2541-2549.

SORCS1 and SORCS3 control energy balance and orexigenic peptide production.
Subkhangulova A+, Malik AR, Hermey G, Popp O, Dittmar G, Rathjen T, Poy MN, Stumpf A, Beed PS, Schmitz D, Breiderhoff T, Willnow TE+.
EMBO Rep. 2018 Apr; 19(4).

Optogenetic tools for subcellular applications in neuroscience.
Rost BR*+, Schneider-Warme F*, Schmitz D, Hegemann P.
Neuron. 2017 Nov 1;96(3):572-603.

Excitatory microcircuits within superficial layers of the medial entorhinal cortex.
Winterer J*, Maier N*, Wozny C, Beed P, Breustedt J, Evangelista R, Peng Y, D'Albis T, Kempter R, Schmitz D+.
Cell Reports. 2017 May 9;19:1110-1116.

RIM-binding protein 2 regulates release probability by fine-tuning calcium channel localization at murine hippocampal synapses.
Grauel MK*, Maglione M*, Reddy-Alla S*, Willmes CG, Brockmann MM, Trimbuch T, Rosenmund T, Pangalos M, Vardar G, Stumpf A, Walter AM, Rost BR, Eickholt BJ, Haucke V, Schmitz D+, Sigrist SJ+, Rosenmund C+.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Oct 11;113(41):11615-11620.

Human cerebrospinal fluid monoclonal N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor autoantibodies are sufficient for encephalitis pathogenesis.
Kreye J*, Wenke NK*, Chayka M, Leubner J, Murugan R, Maier N, Jurek B, Ly LT, Brandl D, Rost BR, Stumpf A, Schulz P, Radbruch H, Hauser AE, Pache F, Meisel A, Harms L, Paul F, Dirnagl U, Garner C, Schmitz D, Wardemann H, Prüss H+.
Brain. 2016 Oct;139(Pt 10):2641-2652.

Cell-specific synaptic plasticity induced by network oscillations.
Zarnadze S*, Bäuerle P*, Santos-Torres J, Böhm C, Schmitz D, Geiger JR, Dugladze T#, Gloveli T#+.
Elife. 2016 May 24;5.

Cannabinoid type 2 receptors mediate a cell type-specific plasticity in the hippocampus.
Stempel AV+, Stumpf A, Zhang HY, Özdoğan T, Pannasch U, Theis AK, Otte DM, Wojtalla A, Rácz I, Ponomarenko A, Xi ZX, Zimmer A, Schmitz D+.
Neuron. 2016 May 18;90(4):795-809.

Cellular and system biology of memory: timing, molecules, and beyond.
Korte M+, Schmitz D.
Physiol Rev. 2016 Apr;96(2):647-93.

Functional architecture of the rat parasubiculum.
Tang Q*, Burgalossi A*+, Ebbesen CL*, Sanguinetti-Scheck JI*, Schmidt H, Tukker JJ, Naumann R, Ray S, Preston-Ferrer P, Schmitz D, Brecht M+.
J Neurosci. 2016 Feb 17;36(7):2289-301.

Optogenetic acidification of synaptic vesicles and lysosomes.
Rost BR*+, Schneider F*, Grauel MK, Wozny C, G Bentz C, Blessing A, Rosenmund T, Jentsch TJ, Schmitz D, Hegemann P, Rosenmund C.
Nat Neurosci. 2015 Dec;18(12):1845-52.

Serotonin attenuates feedback excitation onto O-LM interneurons.
Böhm C, Pangalos M, Schmitz D*†, Winterer J*+.
Cereb Cortex. 2015 Nov;25(11):4572-83.

Functional diversity of subicular principal cells during hippocampal ripples.
Böhm C+, Peng Y, Maier N, Winterer J, Poulet JF, Geiger JR, Schmitz D+.
J Neurosci. 2015 Oct 7;35(40):13608-18.

Anatomical organization and spatiotemporal firing patterns of layer 3 neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex.
Tang Q, Ebbesen CL, Sanguinetti-Scheck JI, Preston-Ferrer P, Gundlfinger A, Winterer J, Beed P, Ray S, Naumann R, Schmitz D, Brecht M+, Burgalossi A+.
J Neurosci. 2015 Sep 9;35(36):12346-54.

Ryanodine receptor activation induces long-term plasticity of spine calcium dynamics.
Johenning FW*+, Theis AK*, Pannasch U, Rückl M, Rüdiger S, Schmitz D.
PLoS Biol. 2015 Jun 22;13(6):e1002181.

Retrograde signaling causes excitement.
Schmitz D+, Breustedt J, Gundlfinger A.
Neuron. 2014 Feb 19;81(4):717-9.

Inhibitory gradient along the dorsoventral axis in the medial entorhinal cortex.
Beed P, Gundlfinger A, Schneiderbauer S, Song J, Böhm C, Burgalossi A, Brecht M, Vida I, Schmitz D+.
Neuron. 2013 Sep 18;79(6):1197-207.

Role of RIM1α in short- and long-term synaptic plasticity at cerebellar parallel fibres.
Kintscher M, Wozny C, Johenning FW, Schmitz D*, Breustedt J*+.
Nat Commun. 2013;4:2392.

Recruitment of oriens-lacunosum-moleculare interneurons during hippocampal ripples.
Pangalos M, Donoso JR, Winterer J, Zivkovic AR, Kempter R, Maier N*+, Schmitz D*+.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Mar 12;110(11):4398-403.

Segregation of axonal and somatic activity during fast network oscillations.
Dugladze T, Schmitz D, Whittington MA, Vida I, Gloveli T+.
Science. 2012 Jun 15;336(6087):1458-61.

Cannabinoids disrupt hippocampal sharp wave-ripples via inhibition of glutamate release.
Maier N+, Morris G, Schuchmann S, Korotkova T, Ponomarenko A, Böhm C, Wozny C, Schmitz D+.
Hippocampus. 2012 Jun;22(6):1350-62.

Autistic-like behaviours and hyperactivity in mice lacking ProSAP1/Shank2.
Schmeisser MJ*, Ey E*, Wegener S*, Bockmann J, Stempel AV, Kuebler A, Janssen AL, Udvardi PT, Shiban E, Spilker C, Balschun D, Skryabin BV, Dieck St, Smalla KH, Montag D, Leblond CS, Faure P, Torquet N, Le Sourd AM, Toro R, Grabrucker AM, Shoichet SA, Schmitz D, Kreutz MR, Bourgeron T, Gundelfinger ED, Boeckers TM+.
Nature. 2012 Apr 29;486(7402):256-60.

GluK1 inhibits calcium dependent and independent transmitter release at associational/commissural synapses in area CA3 of the hippocampus.
Salmen B, Beed PS, Ozdogan T, Maier N, Johenning FW, Winterer J, Breustedt J, Schmitz D+.
Hippocampus. 2012 Jan;22(1):57-68.

RIM-binding protein, a central part of the active zone, is essential for neurotransmitter release.
Liu KS*, Siebert M*, Mertel S*, Knoche E*, Wegener S*, Wichmann C, Matkovic T, Muhammad K, Depner H, Mettke C, Brückers J, Hell SW,Müller M, Davis GW, Schmitz D+, Sigrist SJ+.
Science. 2011 Dec 16;334(6062):1565-9.

Coherent phasic excitation during hippocampal ripples.
Maier N*, Tejero-Cantero A*, Dorrn AL, Winterer J, Beed PS, Morris G, Kempter R, Poulet JF*, Leibold C*, Schmitz D*+.
Neuron. 2011 Oct 6;72(1):137-52.

Activation of metabotropic GABA receptors increases the energy barrier for vesicle fusion.
Rost BR, Nicholson P, Ahnert-Hilger G, Rummel A, Rosenmund C, Breustedt J*+, Schmitz D*+.
J Cell Sci. 2011 Sep 15;124(Pt 18):3066-73.

Complementary sensory and associative microcircuitry in primary olfactory cortex.
Wiegand HF, Beed P, Bendels MH, Leibold C, Schmitz D*+, Johenning FW*+.
J Neurosci. 2011 Aug 24;31(34):12149-58.

Cell-type-specific modulation of feedback inhibition by serotonin in the hippocampus.
Winterer J, Stempel AV, Dugladze T, Földy C, Maziashvili N, Zivkovic AR, Priller J, Soltesz I, Gloveli T, Schmitz D+.
J Neurosci. 2011 Jun 8;31(23):8464-75.

Muskelin regulates actin filament- and microtubule-based GABA(A) receptor transport in neurons.
Heisler FF, Loebrich S, Pechmann Y, Maier N, Zivkovic AR, Tokito M, Hausrat TJ, Schweizer M, Bähring R, Holzbaur EL, Schmitz D, Kneussel M+.
Neuron. 2011 Apr 14;70(1):66-81.

Analysis of excitatory microcircuitry in the medial entorhinal cortex reveals cell-type-specific differences.
Beed P*, Bendels MH*, Wiegand HF, Leibold C, Johenning FW#+, Schmitz D#+.
Neuron. 2010 Dec 22;68(6):1059-66.

Autaptic cultures of single hippocampal granule cells of mice and rats.
Rost BR, Breustedt J, Schoenherr A, Grosse G, Ahnert-Hilger G, Schmitz D+.
Eur J Neurosci. 2010 Sep;32(6):939-47.

Detection of input sites in scanning photostimulation data based on spatial correlations.
Bendels MH, Beed P, Schmitz D, Johenning FW, Leibold C+.
J Neurosci Methods. 2010 Oct 15;192(2):286-95.

Munc13-2 differentially affects hippocampal synaptic transmission and plasticity.
Breustedt J, Gundlfinger A, Varoqueaux F, Reim K, Brose N, Schmitz D+.
Cereb Cortex. 2010 May;20(5):1109-20.

Dendritic compartment and neuronal output mode determine pathway-specific long-term potentiation in the piriform cortex.
Johenning FW+, Beed PS, Trimbuch T, Bendels MH, Winterer J, Schmitz D+.
J Neurosci. 2009 Oct 28;29(43):13649-61.

The function of glutamatergic synapses is not perturbed by severe knockdown of 4.1N and 4.1G expression.
Wozny C*+, Breustedt J*, Wolk F*, Varoqueaux F, Boretius S, Zivkovic AR, Neeb A, Frahm J, Schmitz D, Brose N, Ivanovic A.+
J Cell Sci. 2009 Mar 1;122(Pt 5):735-44.

Differential cAMP signaling at hippocampal output synapses.
Wozny C*+, Maier N*, Fidzinski P, Breustedt J, Behr J*, Schmitz D*+.
J Neurosci. 2008 Dec 31;28(53):14358-62.

A novel control software that improves the experimental workflow of scanning photostimulation experiments.
Bendels MH*+, Beed P*, Leibold C, Schmitz D*, Johenning FW*.
J Neurosci Methods. 2008 Oct 30;175(1):44-57.

Two different forms of long-term potentiation at CA1-subiculum synapses.
Wozny C+, Maier N, Schmitz D*, Behr J*.
J Physiol. 2008 Jun 1;586(Pt 11):2725-34

Differential modulation of short-term synaptic dynamics by long-term potentiation at mouse hippocampal mossy fibre synapses.
Gundlfinger A*, Leibold C*, Gebert K, Moisel M, Schmitz D*, Kempter R*+.
J Physiol. 2007 Dec 15;585(Pt 3):853-65.

Adenosine modulates transmission at the hippocampal mossy fibre synapse via direct inhibition of presynaptic calcium channels.
Gundlfinger A, Bischofberger J, Johenning FW, Torvinen M, Schmitz D*, Breustedt J*+.
J Physiol. 2007 Jul 1;582(Pt 1):263-77.

Arc/Arg3.1 is essential for the consolidation of synaptic plasticity and memories.
Plath N*, Ohana O*, Dammermann B, Errington ML, Schmitz D, Gross C, Mao X, Engelsberg A, Mahlke C, Welzl H, Kobalz U, Stawrakakis A, Fernandez E, Waltereit R, Bick-Sander A, Therstappen E, Cooke SF, Blanquet V, Wurst W, Salmen B, Bösl MR, Lipp HP, Grant SG, Bliss TV, Wolfer DP, Kuhl D+.
Neuron. 2006 Nov 9;52(3):437-44.

Experimental febrile seizures are precipitated by a hyperthermia-induced respiratory alkalosis.
Schuchmann S*, Schmitz D*, Rivera C, Vanhatalo S, Salmen B, Mackie K, Sipilä ST, Voipio J, Kaila K+.
Nat Med. 2006 Jul;12(7):817-23.

Synaptic plasticity at hippocampal mossy fibre synapse.
Nicoll RA, Schmitz+.
Nat Rev Neurosci. 2005 Nov;6(11):863-76.

Assessing the role of GLUK5 and GLUK6 at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Breustedt J, Schmitz D+.
J Neurosci. 2004 Nov 10;24(45):10093-8.

Adenosine gates synaptic plasticity at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Moore KA, Nicoll RA+, Schmitz D.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Nov 25;100(24):14397-402.

Alpha1E-containing Ca2+ channels are involved in synaptic plasticity.
Breustedt J, Vogt KE, Miller RJ, Nicoll RA, Schmitz D+.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Oct 14;100(21):12450-5.

Presynaptic kainate receptors impart an associative property to hippocampal mossy fiber long-term potentiation.
Schmitz D*, Mellor J*, Breustedt J, Nicoll RA+.
Nat Neurosci. 2003 Oct;6(10):1058-63.

Mediation of hippocampal mossy fiber long-term potentiation by presynaptic Ih channels.
Mellor J, Nicoll RA+, Schmitz D.
Science. 2002 Jan 4;295(5552):143-7.

Glutamin uptake by neurons: interaction of protons with system a transporters.
Chaudhry FA, Schmitz D, Reimer RJ, Larsson P, Gray AT, Nicoll RA, Kavanaugh M, Edwards RH+.
J Neurosci. 2002 Jan 1;22(1):62-72.

Axo-axonal coupling: a novel mechanism for ultrafast neuronal communication.
Schmitz D+, Schuchmann S, Fisahn A, Draguhn A, Buhl EH, Petrasch-Parwez E, Dermietzel R, Heinemann U, Traub RD.
Neuron. 2001 Sep 13;31(5):831-40.

Synaptic and nonsynaptic contributions to giant ipsps and ectopic spikes induced by 4-aminopyridine in the hippocampus in vitro.
Traub RD+, Bibbig R, Piechotta A, Draguhn R, Schmitz D.
J Neurophysiol. 2001 Mar;85(3):1246-56.

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* These authors contributed equally to this work.

# These authors also contributed equally to this work.

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